Montana FFA History

In 1928, 33 students from 18 states gathered in Kansas City, Missouri to form the Future Farmers of America.

In 1929, national blue and corn gold became the official colors of FFA. A year later, the official FFA Creed was adopted and the iconic blue corduroy Official Dress followed in 1933. 1935 saw the formation of the New Farmers of America, a national organization for African-American boys interested in agriculture. The NFA and FFA merged in 1965 in recognition of shared missions for agricultural education. It wasn’t until 1969 that females gained full FFA membership privileges. Today, females represent more than 45 percent of FFA members and roughly half of all state leadership positions. Since 1928, millions of agriculture students have donned the official FFA jacket and championed the FFA Creed. All 50 states and two U.S. territories are currently chartered members of the national organization, representing 629,367 student members who belong to one of the 7,575 local FFA chapters. It’s a testament to the power of common goals and the strong ideals of the FFA founders.

1936 FFA - Montana State College - Bozeman, Montana

1936 FFA – Montana State College – Bozeman, Montana

In 1930, Montana FFA was founded with 26 charter chapters and 443 members.

Today, the Montana FFA Association has grown to over 5,000 members and 100 chapters. Here are a few highlights in the early history of Montana FFA:

The first unofficial FFA chapter in Montana was at Moccasin. The chapter was organized in 1928 with the chapter constitution being adopted on January 9, 1929. However, after the state association was organized and local charters issued, the Mocassin FFA Chapter did not receive the No. 1 charter. The first officially chartered chapter was Miles City. On April 1st, 1930, the Montana Association of Future Farmers of America was granted Charter No. 38 by the National Future Farmers of America Organization.

1938 FFA - Montana State College - Bozeman, Montana

1938 FFA – Montana State College – Bozeman, Montana

Montana FFA History Document

For more information, including state programs, award winners, and state and national officers, please download the Montana FFA History.

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