The MAAE stands for the Montana Association of Agricultural Educators. The MAAE is affiliated with NAAE, MACTE, and ACTE. MAAE is the professional organization of the agricultural education instructors of Montana. We advocate for agricultural education, provide professional development for agricultural educators, and work to recruit and retain agricultural educators in the profession.
Membership Dues
The membership dues package is $275. This includes: $55 MAAE, $65 NAAE, $75 MACTE, and $80 ACTE.
Advisor Information/List of Resources
FFA Advisors play a key role in the success of our organization. FFA is a three circle model, and our Agriculture Education instructors take part in each aspect. They serve as instructors and advisors in the classroom, meeting room, and out in the field. Montana FFA is extremely proud of and thankful for its dedicated advisors. We are always in need of new teachers to step in and fill positions that may be left open.
Curriculum/Teacher Resources
- My Caert (User Guide)
- Montana Curriculum
- Montana Indian Education for All (IEFA)
- Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources (AFNR) Content Standards
- One Less Thing
- Montana Ag Ed Directory
- MAgNet (New MetNet)
- NAAE Communities of Practice
Professional Development
- 2018 MAAE Membership and Dues Form
- ACTE 2017 Membership Form
- Montana Placement Openings
- Montana Educator New Licensure
- Montana Educator Licensure Renewal
- MSU Division of Ag Ed
The Agricultural Education Mission
Agricultural education prepares students for successful careers and a lifetime of informed choices in the global agriculture, food, fiber and natural resources systems.
The Three-Component Model:

Through agricultural education, students are provided opportunities for leadership development, personal growth and career success. Agricultural education instruction is composed of three major components:
- Classroom/Laboratory instruction (contextual learning)
- Supervised Agricultural Experience programs (work-based learning)
- Student leadership organization (National FFA Organization)
Agricultural education is a systematic program of instruction available to students desiring to learn about the science, business, technology of plant and animal production and/or about the environmental and natural resources systems. Agricultural education first became a part of the public education system in 1917 when the U.S. Congress passed the Smith-Hughes Act. Today, over 800,000 students participate in formal agricultural education instructional programs offered in grades seven-adult throughout the 50 states and three U. S. territories.