Grace Mosher
I am Grace Mosher, originally from the Shepherd FFA chapter, and I have been rewarded with the greatest honor of serving as this year’s State Reporter! My roots run deep in agriculture as I am 4th generation in my family’s Black Angus cattle ranch in Huntley/Shepherd, MT. Growing up, you could find me in the shown barn with my steers and hogs, or riding in the pickup with my dad checking cows. I may not have known my love for agriculture then, but it truly expanded when I joined FFA my 7th grade year! There I learned how to tie leadership into agriculture and found a true love for FFA as a whole. Competing in CDE’s and LDE’s like Employment Skills, or Parliamentary Procedure, have substantially increased my networking skills, allowing me to succeed as a person.
Montana FFA, as we embark on this great journey throughout the next year, I encourage you all to be true to yourselves, work hard for what you want, and present good character in all you do! As Robert McKee once said “True character is revealed in the choices a human being makes under pressure”. I challenge you all to be the best versions of yourself and follow your values in all you do! I know you all are capable of remarkable things, and I cannot wait to see the growth of MT FFA members!