Sierra Mauland
My name is Sierra Mauland and it is my privilege to be serving as your 2024-2025 Montana FFA State Treasurer. As we embark on a new year filled with growth, opportunities, and learning I am excited to accompany you on that journey. It has been a privilege to be a part of this organization and I am honored to now serve all of you alongside my amazing team. I have only been involved in FFA for three years, but those three years have been the best years of my life. Over the next 365 days, I am going to represent all of you to the best of my ability. I truly believe that FFA is an amazing organization and it holds a place for everyone.
It is my desire to help you all gain the tools necessary for you to succeed as well. As the year progresses, I encourage all of you to branch out and try new things, trying something new gives you the opportunity to learn and grow. As Walt Disney once said, “We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” Montana FFA, I am honored to serve as your State Treasurer, and my words of wisdom are for you to keep moving forward and keep being curious. I cannot wait to see where the next year takes us on our journey to success!