- Fundraising Opportunities
- Fruit Sales
- Concessions
- Donkey Basketball
- Chili or Spaghetti Feed
- Banquet
- Labor Auction
- Community Service
- Highway Clean-up
- Building Benches
- Partners in Active Learning Support (PALS)
- Bonding Activities
- musical chairs
- dance lessons
- movie night
- water fight
- dummy roping
- goldfish races
- sumo wrestling
- river dates (aka fishing)
- CDE games
- sack races
- football

FFA Week Scavenger Hunt: Come up with an awesome game for teachers and students to participate in and win prizes. It could be for one day or the entire week. Get creative and educational with your clues.
Hunger Action Day: Pick a day where you can show your spirit of service by helping to fight hunger. Volunteer at a local food pantry, hold a canned food drive or share the message of hunger with others.
Show your American pride: Choose a day to wear red, white and blue and lead the school in the Pledge of Allegiance on the morning announcements.
Be official! What better way to make your mark than to wear Official Dress or Official Casual Dress during FFA Week.
Blue and Gold Day: FFA members can wear Official Dress and the rest of the school can wear blue and gold. Send your pics to FFA, so people across the country can see who is celebrating FFA.
Invite non-members to participate in interactive FFA Week activities. Have an FFA member paired with a non-member.
Stand at the school entrances and give away FFA pens, mints or other items.
In Official Dress or wearing FFA clothing, help serve the meals in the school cafeteria or greet students as they step on the bus one morning.
Participate in special FFA events that may be scheduled through your state association.
Announce the weekly activities during your school announcements.
Toss FFA T-shirts into the crowd at a school basketball game and have an announcement read over the public address system.
Invite non-members to sit in on an FFA meeting.
Invite prospective members for pizza and a movie.
Host an interactive activity for FFA members and non-members (a dance, bowling, pizza party or movie night).
Using an ag-related picture, hold a coloring contest at area elementary schools.
Get everyone involved! Take pictures of teachers (not just ag teachers but all teachers and school staff ) wearing FFA merchandise such as hats and T-shirts. Take them before FFA Week and publish them in the school newspaper or take them during FFA Week and post them throughout the school.
Ag Olympics: Make up your own events based on your school’s interests and resources (sack races, roping contests, etc.).